Personal trainer Drew Manning was in perfect physical shape.But he decided to prove and show their wards, that he can also be transformed.He called the project Fit 2 Fat 2 Fit, and dedicated it to people who want to lose weight.for some 20 weeks he gained 30 pounds and said goodbye to his figure.
On his blog, he promised to upload pictures of their inverse transformation.As he says, just 6 months he will be able to get in shape.
'll see. Week - 1 Week - 2 Week - 3 Week - 4 Week - 5 Week - 5 Week - 7 Week - 8 Week - 8 Week - 10 Week - 11 Week - 12 Week - 13 Week - 14 Week - 15 Week - 16 Week - 17 Week - 18 Week - 19 Week - 20 Week - 21 Week - 22 Week - 23